Ghione, Emilio

Ghione, Emilio
• ГИО`НЕ (Ghione) Эмилио
(1879 - 7.1.1930)
   итал. актёр, режиссёр, сценарист, художник. С 1909 в кино. Первая значит. роль - Пошине в ф. "История одного Пьеро" (1914). Популярность приобрёл, исполнив гл. роль в пост. им ф. "Да здравствует смерть!" и ряде др. (1914). В ф. "Серые мыши" (1918) выступил как реж., сценарист и актёр. В его работах сказалось влияние романтизма и веризма. В годы кризиса итал. кино работал в Германии (1923 - 25). В Италии занимался гл. обр. лит. и театр, деятельностью. В 1928 - 30 жил в Париже, где издал кн. с "Кино в Италии" (1930).
   ◘ Лидзани К., Итал. кино, пер. и с итал., М., 1956.

Кино: Энциклопедический словарь. - М.: Советская энциклопедия. . 1987.

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  • Ghione, Emilio — (1872 1930)    Actor and director. Trained as a miniaturist, Ghione came to the cinema by chance when, unexpectedly, in 1908, he was asked to work as a stuntman and extra for Itala Film in Turin. After also playing supporting roles in several of… …   Guide to cinema

  • Ghione, Emilio — (1872 1930)    Actor and director. Trained as a miniaturist, Ghione came to the cinema by chance when, unexpectedly, in 1908, he was asked to work as a stuntman and extra for Itala Film in Turin. After also playing supporting roles in several of… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • Emilio Ghione — (né le 30 juillet 1879 à Turin et mort le 7 janvier 1930 à Rome) est un réalisateur, scénariste et acteur italien actif durant la période du muet. Biographie Le premier rôle d Emilio Ghione fut comme cascadeur. Durant un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ghione — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Emilio Ghione (1879–1930), italienischer Schauspieler und Regisseur Franco Ghione (1886–1964), italienischer Komponist und Dirigent Ileana Ghione (1931–2005), italienische Schauspielerin Piero Ghione… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Piero Ghione — (eigentlich Pierfrancesco Ghione, * 1911 in Rom; † 1982 in Nettuno) war ein italienischer Filmproduzent. Leben Ghione war der Sohn des Schauspielers und Stummfilmregisseurs Emilio Ghione. Sein erster Beitrag zur Filmgeschichte war eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • List of Italian actors — This is a list of male actors from Italy, which generally means those who reside in Italy or those who have appeared largely in Italy film productions. The origin of this list is in collation of actor stubs that contain reference to the actor or… …   Wikipedia

  • Za-la-Mort —    Character. Created by Emilio Ghione and modeled on the French mystery crime films of Victorin Jasset and Louis Feuillade, Za la Mort was a ruthless master criminal with a haggard face but a noble heart. Ghione appears to have derived the name… …   Guide to cinema

  • Za-la-Mort —    Character. Created by Emilio Ghione and modeled on the French mystery crime films of Victorin Jasset and Louis Feuillade, Za la Mort was a ruthless master criminal with a haggard face but a noble heart. Ghione appears to have derived the name… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • List of film directors from Italy — The following is a complete list of film directors from Italy. For a complete list of actors and actress, see: List of Italian actors and List of Italian actresses.*Alberto Abruzzese *Alessandro Pacciani *Franco Abussi *Giuseppe Accattino *Fulvio …   Wikipedia

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